About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekly Blog 30
Due April 27th, 2015
Matthew W. Blair

            This week was a busy one to say the least, but it was successful. I got a lot done towards finalizing my Final Product and should be done very soon. My mentor has been very helpful and I am very thankful that Mr. Allen is my mentor. I hope that I will be able to finis my product a little early and finish this year strong overall. I have gained so much knowledge and put so much time/effort into this class that getting lazy and not doing as good as possible would be a waste and something that I would be disappointed in for a while. Today when I checked up on my portfolio we had finally broken the $1,000,000.00 earnings barrier that I have been hoping to break for weeks! This is all very exciting stuff and hope that I can produce a presentation that my mentor will be proud of.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekly Blog 29
Due April 20th, 2015
Matthew W. Blair

            This week was a rough one; Personally and academically. This last week was the last week in our last grading period that actually has an effect on our GPAs so I was struggling to do my best there. I have been juggling personal issues, work, and school all at the same time and it’s been a struggle to say the least. Not to mention that my mentor has been super busy at the same times as me and meeting up is getting difficult. I am in the process of wrapping up my final product and will be ready to review it with Mr. Allen soon. I look forward to presenting my product, as I am very proud of my work and what I have learned throughout the process.

            On the bright side, I think I am still on schedule with my agenda. I’ve have learned a lot and I have got a lot to learn, and I am thankful that I took this class.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Weekly Blog 28
Due April 13th, 2015
Matthew W. Blair

            This week was a busy one, as you can see with my late blog post. I have been pressing for spare time all week but there just hasn’t been any. With two tests to start off this week ISM got but on the side for a couple days. I was really upset yesterday because my manager at J.Crew scheduled me to come in earlier than expected so I was unable to make my mentor visit for this week, but we essentially have been talking about what we would talk about at our meeting over email to make up for it. He has been super helpful in giving me resources to gain knowledge and learn from, as well as he has helped me immensely with my Final Product.

            So far my final product has been going great and currently I am seeing record high earnings for my clients portfolio. I will soon begin working on the PowerPoint and presentation side of it so that I can be done by my desired date in late April. I hope that Mr. Allen will be able to meet more often with the close of my final product approaching as I will need his expertise in my presentation.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekly Blog 27
Due April 6th, 2015
Matthew W. Blair

            This week was a long one. It seemed to never end and the weekend was far too short. I was able to meet with my mentor after school one day last week and we got to work on my final product. Overall Mr. Allen has been a huge help and I have enjoyed all of our meetings. At our most recent meeting we worked on my Excel document that will help show our client the portfolios actual value over time. We will meet up next week to work further on my final product and for me to continue to learn.