About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Monday, March 30, 2015

Weekly Blog 26
Due March 30th, 2015
Matthew W. Blair
             This past week was a busy one. I had a lot of work to do and a lot of it I will have to do over the weekend. The week started off well, I was able to accomplish a lot in the library while Mrs. Secord conducted her interviews for next year’s ISM students. All week I have been working on an excel spreadsheet that my mentor and I will use to track the prices of each ETF in our portfolio. I used to be very Excel savvy, so now I am essentially just teaching myself everything again. I was not able to meet with my mentor this week because he is traveling. I look forward to hearing about his travels at our meeting next week.

            As for this upcoming week, I will meet with my mentor and hopefully continue to learn and gain that real world experience that my peers are not getting. I enjoy the upper hand this class is giving me.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekly Blog 25
Due March 23rd, 2015
Matthew W. Blair

            This past week was actually a little difficult. It was hard coming back from spring break full swing because I actually had a lot of work to accomplish. I was tasked with our usual Evidence Of Learning (EOL), a weekly blog, and a lot of work for my Final Product. I met with my mentor last Friday to work with him on it and he has been very helpful. I have made a lot of progress on my final product and hope to see a really good ending with it. I have learned so much that I will be able to take on to my future. I plan to stay in contact with Mr. Allen and hopefully he will be a good connection for my future. As for this week I have a lot to do as well, and unfortunately I’m scheduled a lot for work this week. Most of it is for my Final Product, but they are things that I need to have done by the end of the week to make sure I am on time with my Final Product.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Weekly Blog 24
Due March 9th, 2015
Matthew W. Blair

            Overall this last week was a little hectic and did not go as planned. We had a snow day on Thursday that made things all the more difficult. I suppose that my body reacts to weather accordingly because as soon as the weather took a turn for the worse I started feeling awful. I was unable to make it to my mentor visit Friday, however Mr. Allen was really considerate and emailed me a couple things for me to look at and work on for our meeting Friday the 13th.  I have been learning a lot from my mentorship and I look forward to continue learning. As for now I will get back in touch with my blog after spring break.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weekly Blog 23
Due March, 2nd, 2015
Matthew W. Blair
            This week was a difficult one. I was unable to meet or get in contact with my mentor, for he was traveling all week. Although I still was able to do some of my final product. This week I wrote my first monthly letter to Client A. All I have to do is email it to Mr. Allen and get his approval and see what I should improve on for the March letter. As for this upcoming week I plan to meet with Mr. Allen and talk about what he did while he was traveling and work on my final product. I hope to continue learning and making memories with Mr. Allen so that I can better myself for the future.

            I have begun to consider asking Mr. Allen if he would be willing to continue this mentorship beyond school into the summer. I would love to work with Mr. Allen as long as possible, for I feel like the mentorship could lead to much bigger things. Until next week, hopefully I will have more to write on.