About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Monday, May 25, 2015

Weekly Blog 34
Final Blog
Matthew W. Blair

            So this is it. Days after and I still feel like the year went by in the blink of an eye. Before I get sentimental I might as well go into talking about my Final Product Night experience. I had a great night to say the least. All of my friends came out to show their support and I did great. I impressed everyone who was there and made my parents very proud. I received a great grade from my mentor and I think I did a great job. As fun as ISM is I was ready for it to be over with. I was prepared and ready to give my presentation early and I am extremely pleased with how it and the entire year went.
            ISM is something I will never forget. The class allowed me to do so much. I learned all about Finance. I made friends that I will have as long as I live. I met so many interesting people and had so many unforgettable experiences. I grew in ways I had no idea were possible. I matured and learned more about the real world in this course than any other course. I dealt with drama. I made jokes. I learned so much about myself. I can navigate downtown Dallas pretty well now. I have confidence in areas that I had none. I know what it is like to lose. I know what it is like to win. ISM reminded me what it was like to make my dad proud, something I hadn’t done since I quit lacrosse. Had I known ISM was going to put me through what it did and give me everything that it did, I wouldn’t know what to think. Had I known what I was getting into when I sat down to have my interview with Mrs. Secord at the end of my junior year I would’ve gotten on hand and knee and made sure that I got into the class. As much pain this class put me through, it gave me an equal amount of happiness. Mrs. Secord, I don’t know if you ever read these things, but if you do I want to let you know something. You’re like no other teacher at Wakeland; you truly impact each of your students’ lives’. Regardless of whether or not the student makes it through the entire course you still care and make an impact on their life. Thank you for all your love and support throughout the year.

            This is it, the last of the “dumb blogs” Morgan so kindly named back in the first six weeks. Odds are this website will not ever be visited again or it’ll be worth millions of dollars whenever I’m rich and famous. Only time will tell. Thanks for some of the best times of my 19 plus years on this earth, so long.

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