About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekly Blog 33
Due May 18th, 2015
Matthew W. Blair

            This week was pretty easy, simply walking through the steps of school at this point in the year and as a senior, I cannot wait for it to end. This upcoming week we have a lot going on. With final presentation night Wednesday we have to make sure we are prepared and ready to do our best. We have to essentially recite out whole ISM school year in a 30-45 minute presentation. I’m pretty confident with my presentation because I received a 98% on my presentation from Mrs. Secord. Literally at this point I will just have to run through the speech one or two more times to make sure I’m comfortable. I find the whole process pretty easy considering its just reciting what you did for an entire school year. And with a course like ISM it would be very hard to forget what we did all year. This will be one of my final blogs.

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