About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekly Blog #20
Due January 9th, 2015
Matthew Blair
            This week was great. We had a lot of work, but I had my first mentor meeting and it went great. I was able to meet with him on Friday and I learned a lot. We started working on my Final Product and he taught me a lot about asset classes that they invest in. He even gave me homework to do; I’m pretty sure that this was one of the only times I have been excited to have homework. We decided to create an ETF portfolio and we are excluding the private sectors meaning Private Equity/Debt, Hedge Funds and Core Private Real Estate. Although I might have a good ETF that tracks the Hedge Fund Sector that I will ask my mentor about.
            As for next week I plan to start allocating assets and picking how much money I plan to invest in which sectors. I have broken up my Final Product into different stages with due dates on each so I can finish it promptly and with time to spare. I will meet with Mr. Allen again on Friday 13th, 2015 at 2 PM.

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