About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekly Blog #18
Due: January 26th, 2015
By: Matthew W. Blair
               This last week was not great. Half way through the week my mentor informed me that he did not receive permission from his compliance officer to mentor me and because of that he was unable to be my mentor. This was some frustrating news to hear, but I will figure it out. I have emailed a gentleman at Goldman Sachs and another gentleman that was another students mentor but the student had to drop the class to meet necessary graduation credits.
       Aside from losing my mentor the last week consisted of the usual workload. I am in the midst of finalizing my Original work, and it has become something that I will be very proud of when I am done. I just printed my charts and will do my final analysis this evening. In said analysis I will record all the changes that occurred during my recording and how the stock changed from December 23rd, 2014 to January 20th, 2015.

       For this next week I hope to hear back from both gentlemen and I hope one will agree to be my mentor so I can get back on track.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Weekly Blog #17
Due January 19th, 2015
Matthew Blair
            This week we worked on a couple of things, but most importantly we worked on our original works. I am a week or two away from finishing mine and I think that I will be able to use this as an example of my knowledge for years to come.
            Also this week I worked on my first semester evaluation paper. In the paper we had to talk about our mentorship, our goals for this year, and any ideas we have for our final product. As I stated earlier, my mentor is Mr. Travis Taylor who is a Vice President and Administrative Manager at Merrill Lynch. He oversees numerous financial advisors and I hope to learn from his management skills more than anything as I see myself in that position of leadership in the future.

            This weekend I got my wisdom teeth removed but I am on a quick recovery and it should not interfere with any of my classwork. In other news I have officially decided on attending the University of North Texas, I hope that I will be able to use some of the knowledge that I gain from Mr. Taylor to help me at college next year.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Weekly Blog #16
Due: January 12th, 2015
By: Matthew W. Blair

       This week was a good one; I didn’t have to work much, school went by fast, and I finally got a mentor. ISM is going well and the independent nature of the class is really starting to pick up with everyone finding their mentors. My mentor is Mr. Travis Taylor, VP and Administrative Manager at Merrill Lynch. We met on my ninth interview when I was starting to lose hope. Initially I was restricting myself to just the Hedge Fund side of finance, and I was going to deep too fast. I skipped a lot of steps and I decided to “zoom out” a little, which is why I chose Mr. Taylor. He oversees 100+ financial planners all over the Dallas area, and has a wealth of knowledge within the field of finance. I look forward to working with him this year. In other news, I have been working on my Original Work twice a week and it is coming together nicely. I simply fill out a form reporting the ten stocks I am reporting with their Open, Close and % Change. I will have to conclude my reporting on the 26th of January so I can write up my final report on the changes I saw.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Weekly Blog #15
Due: January 5th, 2015
By: Matthew W. Blair

         I have been off for Christmas Break and have not had time to blog away. It was a great two weeks off from the school routine, although I worked 50 hours at my job at J.Crew. I had an interview with a Mr. Travis Taylor who is a VP and Administrative Manager at Merrill Lynch, and I will soon ask him to be my mentor. As well over break I worked on my Original Work.