About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Weekly Blog #14
Due: December 8th, 2014
By: Matthew W. Blair
            This week we had two goals that we were emphasizing: our student teacher conferences and preparing for the winter showcase next Tuesday. The winter showcase will take place Tuesday night at Heritage High School. It will house Independent Study Mentorship students from various schools across the district with topics ranging from Finance to Fashion. The showcase gives students the chance to show off their research thus far as well as talk with members of the community to discuss their progress and goals for the future. The event is a great way to see how you may match up to other students across the district and also serves as a great networking opportunity because you never know whom you will meet.

       Our other focus this week was our student teacher. I met with Mrs. Secord on Monday during class and it was a successful meeting. In the meetings we went over our portfolios, discussed our progress and where we were in the mentor process, and just checking in with how we are doing. My portfolio is current and always well kept; everything is edited when received and immediately put into its place. I look forward to this upcoming week.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Weekly Blog #14
Due: December 8th, 2014
By: Matthew W. Blair

       This past week I have done a decent amount of work, mainly finding interviews/someone to be my mentor and research assessments. Recently I also toned down my topic from specific to hedge fund management to general finance, but I am looking to get on the marketing or investor relations side of the industry. I have an interview this afternoon with a man who does direct marketing for Merrill Edge under Bank Of America for which I am very excited. As for my research assessment last week, I looked into what it takes to have a job in finance as a whole in this day and age. Its much more demanding and requires much of its participants compared to what it used to be. I hope to find someone, like I said earlier, in the marketing and/or investor relations’ side of the financial industry. I changed my mind because when I had my interview at BBT Capital I met with someone in that department and he really spoke to me. I liked what they did and what they did for their job. Trying to read and connect with the consumer is fascinating to me, but so is finance, so put the two together and you have what I’m looking for.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Weekly Blog #13
Due: December 1st, 2014
By: Matthew W. Blair

       This last week Frisco ISD celebrated the holiday of Thanksgiving by giving students and faculty the week of as usual. I celebrated the holiday by sleeping in and hanging out with friends. I did some minor ISM work over the holiday break like finding more people to meet with for a potential mentorship. Also I have decided to pull back my topic from being so specific to hedge funds, but to just general Finance.