About Me...

Welcome to my ISM Blog,

I am a student at Dr. Justin Wakeland High school located in Frisco, Texas. I am in the Independent Study Mentorship Program, or ISM, at Wakeland and my topic of study for this school year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. Throughout the year I will post Weekly Reports and my research along with other related works for the class here.

Thank You,
Matthew W.Blair

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekly Blog #4
Due Date: September 29th, 2014
By: Matthew W. Blair

This week was primarily centered on creating our portfolios. I used a generic, plain and simple binder for mine. I had no idea how hard it was to put paper in page protectors; there is no easy way to do it. As of right now there is not much in our portfolios aside from some early research assignments and some necessary items (quote, Mission Statement, etc.).
Outside of the class I made a series of watchlists full of the industry leaders, market indexes and other companies. I researched and read numerous financial statements online to pick stocks and put together the watchlists. Some of the top preforming companies I have on the lists include: Berkshire Hathaway (BRK: A), JP Morgan (JPM), Boeing (BA), etc. It is interesting to see a companies stock go up or down based on a simple action. For example: recently United Technologies (UTX: US) became a huge name in aviation engine production and rapidly the double digit stock elevated to closing over $100 per share on a regular basis. It is so simple, but so fascinating to see the cause and effect. It is how some investors make their money. They take a big risk on a company that is about to merge, sell or receive new management and buy a large amount of shares. Then shortly after the company makes its move the stock either goes up or down. It is a variation of the theory of Intrinsic Value. Till next week.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Weekly Blog #3
Due Date: September 22nd, 2014
By: Matthew W. Blair

         We started the week off in the computer lab working on improving our blogs, however the tech teacher did not arrive until about half way through the period so we were left helpless that day. Fortunately I have made my blog easy and did not need a lot of help to do that. We also had to turn in our contact list and research assessment on Monday. I filled my contact list with people who work in Hedge Funds in the DFW area. Wednesday and Friday we spent our in-class time working on our résumé’s for the year. My resume contains information regarding my academic accomplishments, athletic accomplishments, and other information regarding myself. Our résumé’s will be useful in conducting our interviews. By keeping them concise and to the point we have made them a quick and easy read for any potential interviewer. Hopefully after interviewing multiple executives in my desired position I will have a greater understanding of what I will need to do in order to make it to that position. Making our contact list and conducting our research assessment allowed me to look further into Dallas Hedge Funds. Hopefully by the end of this school year I will have an in depth understanding of the field of Finance/Hedge Fund Management.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekly Blog #2
Due Date: September 15th, 2014
By: Matthew W. Blair

         This week was fairly busy compared to last week. We were tasked to create a couple of things including a contact list, our first research assessment, and a list of interview questions. I put together a contact list full of people who work as managing directors or managing partners in Dallas or Fort Worth Hedge Funds. In my research I found out some new interesting information regarding salaries as well as what needs to be studied in college. I had success in creating my interview questions and hope that all of the people that I interview can answer them. Hopefully I will find a mentor from my contact list. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Weekly Blog #1
Due Date: September 8th, 2014
By: Matthew W. Blair

         My entrance into the ISM program has been seamless and I am excited for the journey the class will take me on. My topic of study for the year is Finance, specifically Hedge Fund Management. I have done much reading in my topic such as the following books: “The Intelligent Investor”, “Warren Buffett And The Interpretation Of Financial Statements”, and I am currently reading “More Money Than God: Hedge Funds And The Making Of A New Elite” and “Security Analysis”. All of the Books listed above have provided me with the interest in Finance and Hedge Fund Management and I cannot seem to get enough of, which is why I am taking this course. ISM will provide me with the out of the classroom experience that no other class has to offer. So far ISM has been successful and easy, but I do not foresee it to always be that way. I know this class will be challenging, one cannot always expect for the best. Much like the Stock Market there will be good days and there will be bad days. After this week I will need to work on more in depth research of Hedge Funds in Dallas and figure out the qualities that I would like to have in a potential mentor.